BioXtrim Gummies [UK] (Banner,Native,Social,Search,SEO,Brand Bidding) - CPA | oDigger

BioXtrim Gummies [UK] (Banner,Native,Social,Search,SEO,Brand Bidding) - CPA

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Offer Name:

BioXtrim Gummies [UK] (Banner,Native,Social,Search,SEO,Brand Bidding) - CPA


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Last Updated:

Mar 12, 2025

Date Added:

Mar 12, 2025


$75.00 / cpa


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Converts on Sale GEO: UK Customer Payment Options: PayPal, Klarna, CC submit, bank transfer Traffic Allowed: Social,Banner,Native,Push,SEO,Search ***Sales generated using prohibited marketing methods or violating any of the following restrictions will not be paid for*** *No Incent *No Survey *Fake/false celebrity ads/endorsements are strictly prohibited - including the use of ANY "Investor angles" *No use of negative marketing terms allowed! Including, but not limited to: - Exposed - Scam - Warning - Careful - Beware - Dangerous - etc. This includes their non-English equivalents (e.g. Gefährlich, Warnung, dangereux, etc) *Such terms cannot be used in anyway whatsoever, including but not limited to: - Ad copy - Body of LP - URLs - Images/Videos - Headlines - Page titles - etc

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SmartAdv prides itself on service and support as our state of the art infrastructure operates 24/7/365 and our account managers are at your beck and call to provide concierge service to all of our customers. Get incredible offers to monetize websites and campaigns, in addition to generating high click-through and sales ratios, not to mention excellent payouts and terms.

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