Test Your Luck (Android) - CPL [ES] - CPL | oDigger

Test Your Luck (Android) - CPL [ES] - CPL

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Offer Details:

Offer Name:

Test Your Luck (Android) - CPL [ES] - CPL


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Sweepstakes & Surveys





Last Updated:

Jun 30, 2024

Date Added:

Jun 21, 2024


$0.17 / CPA


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Affiliate Offer Description:

You must be a member of Zeydoo to promote this offer. Click Here to join their network.

Offer ID: 9210

Test your luck is the survey with an easy and unique conversion flow! The user should answer four questions, throw the dice, complete finding pairs in the cards game, and press "Get Offer." The conversion fires on the "Get Offer" click. Offer is available under EN, ES, PT, FR, TH, ID, and RU languages in the following countries. Facebook traffic is welcome! Use your FB Pixel in var_3={facebookpixel_ID} in your tracking link to enable this option.

Countries: ES


About: Zeydoo

⚡️ Zeydoo is a CPA Network with 10+ in-house productsSURVEYS | SWEEPSTAKES | MOBILE APPS & UTILITIES | LEADGEN→ Unlimite ... Read More

⚡️ Zeydoo is a CPA Network with 10+ in-house products

→ Unlimited Caps, Regular Payments
→ Multi-Vertical Smartlink
→ Worldwide Coverage
→ 3+ Years Offers’ Lifespan

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