Good Ranchers Meat Page - $25 Off + Free Express Shipping [US] (Social,Banner,Native,Push,SEO,Search) - CPA {SubID Approval} | oDigger

Good Ranchers Meat Page - $25 Off + Free Express Shipping [US] (Social,Banner,Native,Push,SEO,Search) - CPA {SubID Approval}

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Good Ranchers Meat Page - $25 Off + Free Express Shipping [US] (Social,Banner,Native,Push,SEO,Search) - CPA {SubID Approval}


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Food / Cooking





Last Updated:

Mar 12, 2025

Date Added:

Mar 12, 2025


$65.00 / cpa


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Affiliate Offer Description:

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Conversion Point: Valid Sale (CC Submit) One Time Sale $45 CPA Multi Sale $65 CPA GEO: US Only Traffic Allowed: Social, Banner, Native, Push, SEO, Search Ask For Email Traffic No Brand Bidding - You can not bid on the Brand/Product Name Brand Impersonation - You can not pretend to be the brand in any way. No Negative Advertising - You can not use negative marketing using words like Scam, Warning, Danger No Incent No Co-Reg No Survey No SMS No Adult Send ad creatives and LP to AM for approval Forbidden traffic types/false Advertisements Will NOT Be Paid For Fake/false celebrity ads/endorsements are strictly prohibited BONUS: Emphasize subscriptions to earn a bonus on each order. Focus on our core subscription benefits. 1. $25 off Every Order When Subscribed 2. Free Express Shipping 3. Enjoy a Bonus Cut In Every 3rd Order OUR CORE OFFER: With any sale of our American meat boxes, one-time purchase or subscription, you earn industry leading payouts. Plus, get a $25 bonus on every order that includes a subscription. Highlight our 100% American beef, chicken, pork, or wild-caught seafood, and experience how our product and team are a cut above the rest. MAIN PROBLEMS WE SOLVE: 1. Over 85% of grass-fed beef sold in the US is imported from overseas, which has led to over 5 billion pounds of meat coming in from foreign countries just last year. We source 100% American meat from local farms so that every family can have a source of meat they can trust. 2. The C.O.O.L Law, which stands for Country Of Origin Labeling Law, was repealed in 2015. This law used to make meat from foreign countries be labeled as such on store shelves. For example, beef from Australia would be labeled as "Product of Australia", but now with the law repealed foreign meat can ear na "Product of USA" label if it is minimally processed in the states. Even though it was born, raised, and harvested somewhere else. We guarantee our customers a transparent process so they know the source, practices, and processes that go into their food. We take the mystery out of the meat aisle with American meat delivered. 3. The US produces some of the highest quality in the world, and imported meat just doesn't stand up to the standards we have here. From vaccination, to hormones and antibiotics, the US is the gold standard in agriculture. We make sure people aren't stuck with low quality meat at the store. Our boxes contain meat they can trust and be proud to serve. We source the top 15% highest quality meat in the US so that everyone can enjoy a better experience around the table for every meal.

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SmartAdv prides itself on service and support as our state of the art infrastructure operates 24/7/365 and our account managers are at your beck and c ... Read More

SmartAdv prides itself on service and support as our state of the art infrastructure operates 24/7/365 and our account managers are at your beck and call to provide concierge service to all of our customers. Get incredible offers to monetize websites and campaigns, in addition to generating high click-through and sales ratios, not to mention excellent payouts and terms.

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