IH Dating App Android Prelander [TW] - CPI | oDigger

IH Dating App Android Prelander [TW] - CPI

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Offer Details:

Offer Name:

IH Dating App Android Prelander [TW] - CPI


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Last Updated:

Jul 02, 2024

Date Added:

Jun 21, 2024


$0.75 / CPA


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Affiliate Offer Description:

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Offer ID: 11332

Private offer for Zeydoo IH Dating App makes dating for singles easy and fun! Our free online dating app lets you meet locals and go on dates with them in real life. Flow: CPI Cap: The total limit for the new publisher is $200 leads will be made on the offer for all geos  - traffic must be paused until you get the quality check from your AM or via the support team. Overdelivery will not be paid. After quality approval daily cap for the offer: 100$ Langs: ar, cs, nl, fr, de, hi, id, it, ja, ko, ms, no, pl, ro, ru, sk, es, sv, th, tr, vi, zh, en, pt It might be a slight delay in postback due to the tracker's features (up to 2 hours).

Countries: TW


About: Zeydoo

⚡️ Zeydoo is a CPA Network with 10+ in-house productsSURVEYS | SWEEPSTAKES | MOBILE APPS & UTILITIES | LEADGEN→ Unlimite ... Read More

⚡️ Zeydoo is a CPA Network with 10+ in-house products

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→ Worldwide Coverage
→ 3+ Years Offers’ Lifespan

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