Dating Smartlink | oDigger

Affiliate Offer Description:

You must be a member of CrakRevenue to promote this offer. Click Here to join their network.

CrakRevenue’s exclusive Dating Smartlink is a powerful turnkey solution that enables you to promote the best Dating offers based on your traffic data and convert on 250+ geos with a single auto-optimized link.

This offer is a surefire way to generate conversions and high payouts with minimum effort.

CrakRevenue’s AI-powered algorithms do the optimization job automatically and redirect your traffic to the most relevant offer based on location, device type, language and traffic type.

Let the world’s smartest ad tool work for you!

Search Tag:

CR SmartlinkSmartlinkDating!Smartlink - Dating Nude!
{"target_audience": ["Male","25+"], "top_promotional_methods": ["SEA","SEO","Mailing","Push","Banners"]}

About: CrakRevenue

CrakRevenue is an international and industry-leading CPA Network specializing in web traffic monetization and online marketing solutions. Driven by pe ... Read More

CrakRevenue is an international and industry-leading CPA Network specializing in web traffic monetization and online marketing solutions. Driven by performance and results, CrakRevenue leads the next phase of affiliate marketing thanks to a skilled team of professionals. Since 2010, CrakRevenue has received multiple awards and is a recognized leader in this industry. The company has been part of mThink's Blue Book Top 20 CPA Networks rankings five years in a row.
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