UFM: Underwear for Men (Rev-Share) | International | oDigger

UFM: Underwear for Men (Rev-Share) | International

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UFM: Underwear for Men (Rev-Share) | International


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Fashion (Clothing & Apparel) / Gift / Mobile Optimized





Last Updated:

Mar 11, 2025

Date Added:

Mar 11, 2025


10.00% / Revenue Share


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UFM Underwear for Men is a premium brand of men's underwear featuring our exclusive patented drawstring support system. UFM's underwear provides cool and comfortable support for sports, work, medical and everyday wear. UFM stands for Underwear For Men. UFM Underwear manufacturers and sells adjustable pouch underwear for men in 4 styles, briefs, boxer briefs 3" (trunks), boxer briefs 6=E2=80=9D, and boxer briefs 9=E2=80=9D UFM Underwear was launched in 2013 with a Kickstarter campaign to see if there was a need for the product and to help fund the start of our men's underwear adventure. A successful Kickstarter campaign proved that we were on to something. In addition to launching an Underwear For Men branded online store, we also partnered with Amazon to launch our Amazon men's underwear store. Amazon brought us mass customers and a trustworthy purchasing experience that holds merchants to the highest standards of e-commerce sales. We felt that this would allow our customers to know our product was premium underwear. Amazon is the most trusted source of consumer reviews on the web. UFM products are the only men=E2=80=99s underwear that provides actual support. Normal boxer briefs just smash you against your thigh resulting in sticking, sweating, and chafing. Others provide some isolation but not support.

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