iPage Web Hosting Affiliate Program | oDigger
iPage Web Hosting Affiliate Program

iPage Web Hosting Affiliate Program

We make it easy to make money through your website — and our team cares about your success. At iPage we’re offering a high payout starting at $105 on the sale of our shared hosting plan. But price isn’t the only place we beat the competitors.

Here are just a few of our program highlights:

* $105 Payout on EACH Annual Hosting sale.
* Global earning potential: US, UK, Canada, Australia and Europe
* FREE Google & Yahoo! marketing credits
* Green web hosting powered by 100% wind energy
* Low price and easy sign-up make for high conversions
* Dedicated program management

$105-$150 payout per sale
Affiliates with a solid history of strong referrals are eligible for increased commission rates and bonuses.

Product Info
Find product info and compare iPage packages here: http://www.ipage.com/affiliate/product-ipage-comparison.pdf
Join iPage Web Hosting Affiliate Program
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